Caring for the historic church in the Heart of Epsom
St Andrew’s Church has been part of the Epsom community for over 150 years making it one of the oldest churches in New Zealand. Originally founded by Bishop Selwyn the church itself is the fullest expression of Selwyn architecture and now holds category one status as a historic New Zealand Building. The church has been the venue for thousands of weddings, baptisms and funerals and is also a burial site for many members of the wider community. The church is a Taonga requiring assistance to ensure it is preserved for future generations.
St Andrew’s is more than just the historic church. It is also a vibrant, inclusive, worshipping community that has served the people of Epsom in many ways over many generations.
The St Andrew’s Church Foundation Trust has been established with two clear purposes:
- to care for the historic St Andrew’s church and to keep it well maintained into the future (Preservation Fund)
- to provide financial support for the ministry offered by the community of St Andrew’s to the wider Epsom community (General Purpose Fund)
The trust is made up of two distinct funds to reflect these different needs. Donations can be made to either or both funds depending of the wishes of the donor.
- Make a tax-deductible donation to The St Andrew’s Church Foundation Trust
- Make a bequest in your will to The St Andrew’s Church Foundation Trust
Donations and bequests mean that your gift to The St Andrew’s Church Foundation will benefit many people now and well into the future. No gift is too small!
Gifts can take many forms
- A sum of money
- Part of an investment
- A piece of art
- Valuable items
- Property
In considering your donation, please think of your family and loved ones first and only donate to this trust if you have adequate means to do so.
The St Andrew’s Church Foundation Trust is administered by a group of qualified, independent trustees. For further information please contact the St Andrew’s Parish office at (09) 638 8264 or email: