St Andrews Road is disrupted by roadworks at present, but we are still open for business. Please allow extra time for navigating roadworks. The St Andrew’s driveway is still accessible, and parking is available as usual in the carpark at the bottom of the driveway, and on one side of the driveway. We also suggest parking on Morvern and walking through the park, or parking on Onslow and walking through the back driveway past the Early Childhood Centre. Please consider carpooling to reduce congestion.
Lecture 1: The Ecocentric Challenge: Climate Change and the Jewish Tradition
12th September, St Andrew’s Epsom, 7.30 pm
Dr Jim Salinger
This lecture will also be zoomed
Topic: Bishop Jim White Memorial Lecture One
Time: Sep 12, 2024 07:30pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 811 4119 3366
Passcode: 211629
Environmental issues can be examined from an ecocentric or anthropocentric
perspective. The latter approach places human, religious and financial values above
the values of nature and the universe. Ecocentric perspectives stress the centrality
of all ecosystems, their integration, and planetary processes above any individual or
species. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have increased 50 percent, and are
expected to double during this century. These are expected to produce
unprecedented environmental change than could threaten the integrity of planetary
life and systems. Jewish religious tradition views the entire complexity of creation,
and commands us not to destroy any part of God’s universe. Hence modern
ecological sciences and Jewish theology give us both warnings and guidelines to
value, sustain, recycle and restore the natural balance. This paper provides an
ecocentric integration of the latest discoveries in climate science with 4000 years of
Jewish sancta.
Lecture 2: Can Christianity be an eco-responsive faith? The Climate Crisis and a response to Jim Salinger
19th September, All Saints, Ponsonby 7.30 pm
Dr Nicola Hoggard Creegan
Christianity is known much more in terms of beliefs than in the practices of its mother
religion, Judaism. But what Christians believe is wide and varied and often
contradictory, especially in key areas of creation, creaturehood and end times that
have relevance to eco concern, eco-justice and climate change. And yet, perhaps
more than in any other religion, belief does influence practice. This paper will, first of
all, respond to Jim Salinger and the deep resonance that Judaism has in the
Christian worldview. It will also attempt to describe and reconstruct some of the
tangled links between Christian belief and ecological malpractice. Can Christian
theology recapture a holistic eco-centric vision that is true to its Jewish heritage and
inspires the serving and preserving of the planet? With Lynn White Jr, I will argue
that there are deep traditions from which to draw that encourage and even lead the
healing of the planet.
2023 Lectures:
Lecture One: Mahi Tahi
Margie Tukerangi and Hannah Andrews, Co-chairs of Newton Central School Board, 25 years of Co-governance.
Lecture Two: A Theological Response from Bishop John Bluck, former Bishop of Waiapu,
author of Becoming Pakeha – a journey between two cultures. (Harper Collins)
2022 Lectures:
The recording of the full 1st evening is at:
The 42 minutes of Sir Chris Farrelly talking is at:
The recording of the full 2nd evening is at:
The 33 minutes of The Reverend Clare Barrie talking is at: